We're in Chania now, an old Venetian port town (city? It WAS the capital at one point...) in Crete. We're staying right on the harbor in an area that during the summer screams of noise and debauchery, but now that it's the winter it's quite peaceful and quiet. We hope to stay on here until the end of January - both John and I are anxious to get settled somewhere in order to organize ourselves for the months ahead. Our current plan is to have a situation figured out by the end of Monday (fingers are crossed).
Here's a picture I just took of myself on our balcony, oohing at the view. I'm learning how to use the self-timer on my camera as well as the gorilla tripod John just obtained. The BEST part about this picture is how ODD it looks... instead of oohing, I just might be whistling, and instead of a REAL background it looks more like an image projected on a green screen. Perfect!
Here are two more for good luck - the first a fisherman I spied on from the balcony (was there anything to catch, really? Was it purely a meditative exercise?) and the second a shot of the moon last night hovering above the harbor, after which I promptly turned into a werewolf (for serious!).
Beautiful photos there doopy. I especially like the harbor at night. What a spot to live!