Farmer John striking a pose in the Eurythmy studio (background: all the different eurythmy poses, each representing a different sound):
My angelic halo by the stained glass window (also in the strikingly pink eurythmy studio):
Farmer John's beloved swisher sweets. He doesn't smoke them, but rather enjoys the flavor of their wrappings. I transported twenty cases to him from the states as he was running dreadfully low... when he first said he was sending me a case to transport along, I was DELIGHTED to have so much CANDY with me. When they arrived, I realized the "sweets" had nothing to do with tasty sugar:
Lastly, taken just a moment ago, Farmer John matches the menu:
I think I have a few more moments before I have to log off... for those who have zero idea as to what, exactly, I'm doing over here (and who have grown frustrated with my answer of "uhhh... looking at farms? Biodynamic farms? And I think we're going to be in a few different countries?"), I present to you a few different links:
My traveling companion (and instigator of the trip), Farmer John:
this is his film:
this is his farm website:
The purpose of the trip is to view and tour biodynamic farms, gain information, and take it back to the states so he can continue to develop his OWN biodynamic farm. What is biodynamic farming, you ask? Thank goodness for wikipedia...
That link is part of a series on Anthroposophy, the driving philosophy behind Farmer John's endeavors. Verrrrrry interesting, Farmer John...
On to Luxembourg!
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